We have partnered with the RNLI to bring you this fantastic challenge pack and badge! It focuses on water safety for Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Rangers, highlighting the 4 key safety message which RNLI has adopted as part of the Water Safety Code.

Educating young people and their families about water safety is fundamental to saving lives in, on and around water, and is a core part of the RNLI’s prevention work. The more young people we can reach with water safety messages, the more lives can saved now and in the future. As a Girlguiding volunteer, you really can make a lifesaving difference.

The RNLI also offers a network of volunteer presenters across the UK who can visit your unit meeting place to work with young members on all elements of Part 1 of this badge. These free presentations can be booked by going to rnli.org.uk/education/arrange a presentation.

Or, if within travelling distance, you may be able to arrange a visit to a RNLI station. To arrange a local visit:

My nearest lifeboat station

Once you have completed your activities, badges can be purchased from our website (£1 +p&p).

This pack is available to download in both full colour and grayscale.