DofE Sizzles over the Summer!

As my first season of Duke of Edinburgh’s (DofE) Award expeditions draws to a close, I am able draw breath and reflect on a very successful return to all things camping and cooking, with a bit of walking, canoeing, or cycling in between.

Now that the majority of covid restrictions have been lifted, DofE expeditions were able to offer the adventurous opportunities many participants seek when they sign up to the award scheme.

During the expedition season, there were:

  • Three bronze groups with 15 girl guides completing their expedition
  • Five silver groups with 31 girl guides completing their expedition
  • Four gold groups with 15 girl guides completing their expedition.

It was lovely to get to know the people responsible around the province who volunteer their time and make DofE happen within Guiding. Apart from the usual hoops to jump through when running expeditions, the leaders also had to contend with a new form to complete, which replaced the old Green Forms. Everyone made the transition without complaint, for which, I was extremely grateful!

Looking to the future, I have been approached by two units who are keen to run DofE expeditions. Girl Guiding has the prefect platform to offer the scheme and in light of dwindling members since covid, it is a positive way to boost unit numbers and provide the girls with an achievement which enhances their CV! Roll on 2023, where I hope the numbers of girls trudging up Hare’s Gap or paddling in Lough Erne or cycling the Ulster Way reaches over 100! Now that would be worth celebrating!!

-Rosemary Mack

Ulster DofE Award advisor