Zen Zone Guides 2025

Zen Zone - A relaxing Overnight for Guides and Rangers

The Girls' Attitude Survey 2024 has highlighted that the happiness of girls' and young women is steadily declining and that happiness levels are at an all time low. Girls have said that they often feel stressed, worried or anxious and not good enough.

We want to start doing something about this. Our Zen Zone overnight will offer a calm space away from their day to day worries where we can deliver activities that encourage mindfulness, resilience. The overnight will provide a toolbox of useful strategies they can take away and use as they go about their busy lives.

Date and times: Saturday 8th February starting at 6.30pm - Sunday 9th February finishing at 3pm

Cost: £55 for Guides & Rangers & £25 for Leaders

A non-refundable deposit of £20 for participants and £10 per leader is required to secure your places.

Leader information:

- Leaders must ensure that the relevant Guiding forms are completed (including REN forms) and the appropriate ratios for their section are met.
- Leaders do not need to hold their ‘Going away with’ licence for this event.
- Groups with little or no residential experience are welcome to join in.

An Information pack including a kit list will be sent out in January 2025.

Final balance will be due on 12th January 2025.